Feizy Rugs CEU Tri-Supply CEU Presentation Thursday, March 14th, 2024 11:30 PM-12:30 PM Virtual CEU Join us online for a CEU presented by Michael Bauer, Director of Trade Relations/Feizy Rugs. RSVP below. The 411 on Rugs – What you need to know about rugs for any space. You will learn the history and evolution of fine rugs; the dynamics of rug making including fiber, dyes and design styles. Learn why some rugs cost a few hundred dollars and others may range in tens of thousands. Deep dive into rug construction and how to tell the difference in machine made and handmade rugs. Sustainability and Compliance and how to care for all types of rug construction. Discuss placement and the need for a rug pad under each rug and what types of pads go in what application. You Can Earn: 1 IDCEC Continuing Education Unit (CEU)/Health Safety and Welfare(HSW)Name* First Last Company Name*Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Phone*Please enter n/a if you do not have a particular number.IDCEC #*NKBA #*ASID/IDC/IIDA #*AIA #*